Sep 13Liked by Julie Barton

Beautiful, Julie. I'm enjoying your poetry so much!

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Oh thank you so, so much, Deborah!

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Keep it coming sister.

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Once again, throughly moved.

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Thank you, Christy. Means so much.

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Beautiful, Julie. I'll meet you in the forest.

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I'll be there.

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Ooffff I feel this Julie. I FEEL this. And it reminds me of Rumi “There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.”

I am loving your poetry so much. Thank you!

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Jenn, Thank you so much. You know how you can wonder if anyone will really "get it"? You worry that a piece might be too far fetched for most folks, but you take a leap and send it out into the world anyway? Your comment helped me get over that fear. Thank you.

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I definitely know what you’re speaking of. I experience it too. Happy to have resonated! Glad it helped you feel seen 🙌🏼

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